Our Ministries: 

COVID-19 PHO UPDATE: Currently all services are occurring live in-person and on Zoom for those wishing to join online. We follow the local PHOs of the Nuxalk Nation, as well as Provincial BC PHO to determine gathering protocol. 

Our R.E.A.C.H Ministries are mission driven and align with Community Outreach and Evangelism "to see our members & friends bringing hope and wholeness to those living in the Bella Coola Valley and beyond".

Bible Study & Worship Services

Adult Bible Lesson Discussion (Zoom Video Link)

Meets weekly on Saturday's from 10-11 am for prayer, Bible lesson study and discussion about how it relates to one's personal experience. Click on the link here to preview the Bible Lesson that will be discussed each week. 

Stage Lights Youth Drama Ministry

Meets weekly on Wednesday evenings @ 6-7pm at the church to practice and plan how they will share the love of Jesus to our local community through dramatic presentation. Group is open to youth ages 11+. 

Kids Church (Hangouts Video Link)

Meets weekly on Saturday mornings from 10-11:15am for children ages 4-14. A mix of children and adult leaders enjoy singing, story telling, games, and engaging crafts, such as wood burning, designing wood cutouts, and bench making. Ensuring child safety is of upmost importance to our church community. All leaders have cleared background checks. 

Sabbath Morning Worship Service (Zoom Video Link)

Meets weekly on Saturday mornings from 11:15-12:30pm following Kids Church and the Adult Bible Lesson Discussion.  Join us for a time of worship, prayer and a Biblical presentation as we explore the love of Jesus and his invitation to find life in Him.

Journeys of Hope (Zoom Video Link)

Meets weekly on the first Saturdays at 7pm at the church or other community location with snacks to follow during our social time.  Our purpose is to provide Spiritual nourishment and hope for the wider Bella Coola Community with contemporary worship, prayer, personal testimony, live skits, and family-friendly gameshow-style group activities that are grounded in Scripture. The Journeys of Hope Family Fun Night is built upon 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. For updates about alternate locations, follow announcements on the Bella Coola Hope in Jesus Facebook Group.

Bible Study Prayer Meeting (Zoom Video Link)

Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7-8pm at the church.  The time is spent studying a bible topic and discussing insights from the readings, followed by a time of collaborative prayer.

Bella Coola Adventist Christian School 

To learn more about our school click here.

The mission of BCACS is Educating students through community service, leadership opportunities and land-based, Christ-centered academics.  Bella Coola Adventist Christian School provides an alternative to the larger schools in the region. Being located within the boundaries of the Great Bear Rainforest, our little school is big on nature.  

Free breakfast and lunch is available. Transportation is available using the regular public school bus stops. Please contact us if you have any questions, we would love to hear from you.

The school has a long history of providing quality education with a focus on outdoor experiences and doing our best (with results in mind) to mirror the character of Christ to each other, with our students and with our community.  This comes out of a commitment to holistic education, in line with our commitment to holistic health and wellbeing.

Community Outreach

Garden Box Project

Nuxalk Nation Health Department purchased building materials and the church cut and prepped over 3,000 boards for 21 Fountain View Academy students to build over 70 garden boxes for Nuxalk Nation members.

Adventurer Club

The mission of the Adventurer Club ministry is to serve an intercultural community of children from pre-kindergarten through fourth grade and their parents or guardians and assist Adventurer families in growing as followers of Jesus.

Wood Provision 

An ongoing outreach service clearing out and providing wood for the church/school, as well as for people in the community at no cost.  Over 100 cords of wood have been delivered!  

Spiritual Reflection Nature Benches

The Kid's Church Team builds benches to place in beautiful walking spaces in our natural environment that can foster moments of spiritual reflection and prayer. 

Social Connection & Recreation 

Games, hikes, dinners, movies etc. occur monthly or more frequently through the dark winter months for people to reduce isolation and enjoy positive, uplifting experiences as a community. 

Home Repairs 

Providing necessary safety repairs for those otherwise unable to take care of it themselves. 

Meal Trains 

We are available to organize a Meal Train for a period of time for people in the community experiencing a need (new baby, illness, grieving, etc., if they are interested in that type of support. 

Singing at the Hospital 

Occasionally, we gather together to sing spiritually encouraging songs to residents at the local hospital. Hospital staff have informed us that residents really appreciate these visits.

Facebook Group

The Bella Coola Hope in Jesus Facebook Group is an online platform for people living in the Bella Coola Valley interested in finding, developing, and sharing hope in Jesus Christ. The group is monitored by the Pastor of the Bella Coola Seventh-day Adventist Church.


All posts from our Facebook Group will be posted here, as well, for access by those not using Facebook. 


As we strengthen this upward & outward focus, may the light of God's love consume all darkness, and draw all his beloved children into His Kingdom. "...He sent them out in pairs to every town and place He was about to visit..." Luke 10:1